Public Relations
Engaging with strategic influencers through a range of channels and platforms to maximize interest and awareness.
Investor Relations
Working with public and private healthcare companies to develop and implement value-added investor relations programs to create long-term shareholder value.
Marketing Communications
Assessing the evolving market for your products, determine messages and channels that maximize customer interactions and prompt action. The aim is to build customer loyalty and good will.
Corporate Communications
Fostering and preserving a favorable corporate reputation is essential. We create programs that accurately communicate our clients’ mission, messages and brand to key stakeholders.
Key Opinion Leader Relations
Engaging with thought leaders is vital to your product’s long-term success and bolsters your corporate reputation. We tailor our KOL mapping programs to connect you with proven influencers.
Patient-to-Patient Engagement
Understanding the patient journey and providing opportunities for patients to share their compelling experiences with others.
Stakeholder Mapping and Engagement
We help our clients identify and build relationships with medical societies, advocacy groups and other influencers who shape opinion and drive decisions.
IPO Advisory
Guiding our clients through the IPO process including banker selection, maximizing visibility prior to the roadshow and developing post-IPO communications strategies.
Clinical Trial Awareness
In addition to laying the foundation for regulatory, commercial and reimbursement success, clinical trial awareness programs help educate stakeholders on the need for better treatments.
Capital Markets Strategy
Building relationships with the financial community to achieve your corporate financing goals and increase awareness of your company.
Employee Engagement
Empower influential employees to serve as brand ambassadors, community leaders and responsible citizens.